Patient Voices: 

My Transplant Experience


Patients from Quality Insights Renal Networks 3, 4 and 5 talk about their kidney transplant or kidney donation experience.



Did you know? 

Choosing Transplant

Studies show that patients who have successful kidney transplant live longer than patients treated with dialysis. Patients also report better quality of life after transplant.*

Should you get a transplant?

Is a Kidney Transplant Right for Me? is a guide created by patients for patients considering transplant. It includes information patients wish they had known ahead of their transplant.


*Source: Tonelli, M. et al., (2011). Systematic review: Kidney transplantation compared with dialysis in clinically relevant outcomes. American Journal of Transplantation. 11:2093-2109.


Click on an image below to listen to that person's experience with transplant. 


Pass it Along! 

You can download a printable version of this page to pass along to other patients, their families and friends. 

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