Quality Insights

50th Anniversary

Time Capsule

Opening on June 20, 2074










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Who We Are

Quality Insights is dedicated to improving health and healthcare quality through dynamic partnerships, evidence-based practices, and a patient-first philosophy. With a track record of driving significant improvements in healthcare outcomes, Quality Insights remains at the forefront of quality innovation and healthcare transformation. Learn more at

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50th Anniversary

In 2023, we celebrated 50 years of using quality improvement science, education, and collaboration to develop and bring best practices to health care settings and communities. To give back to the communities we serve and advance our vision of catalyzing community- and data-driven health and healthcare quality improvement, we are issued grants totaling over $100,000 to spark innovation or give a boost to promising projects.

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What We Do

We use quality improvement science, workforce development, education, and collaboration to develop and bring best practices to health care settings and communities. As change agents, connectors and decision partners, we have assisted tens of thousands of clinicians, impacting millions of patients.



Quality Insights CEO, Dr. Sven Berg, reflects on our company's storied past, celebrates our present achievements, and shares a vision for the future that is rooted in innovation and community. 



Quality Insights Seals Time Capsule on West Virginia Day, Marking 50 Years of Health Care Innovation



Quality Insights, a West Virginia-based non-profit organization with a mission of improving health and healthcare, concluded its year-long 50th anniversary celebration today by sealing a time capsule filled with items from its past quality improvement initiatives and services, spanning 1973 to present.

The capsule sealing, which coincided with West Virginia day to honor the company’s roots, symbolizes its commitment to improving health care in West Virginia and across the nation.

Founded on September 6, 1973 as the West Virginia Medical Institute and officially named Quality Insights in 2016, the organization has positively impacted care provided to more than 17 million patients across the Mid-Atlantic region and nationally over the past decade alone. The organization focuses on data-driven, outcome-focused solutions in analytics, IT, education, and continuous quality improvement.

“This time capsule memorializes the progress we’ve made over the last half-century, and our optimism for the next 50 years of health care excellence and innovation," Sven Berg, MD, CEO of Quality Insights, said. “It shows our initiatives and methods have changed over the years, but our unwavering commitment to collaborating to improve health has and will remain unchanged.”

Quality Insights will display the time capsule above ground at its Charleston headquarters. Employees based throughout the Mid-Atlantic region have contributed a diverse array of items to be opened in 50 years. The time capsule includes old photos, awards, newspaper articles, printed content, markers of important milestones, and objects that hold symbolic meaning for past and present staff members.

In addition to the time capsule, Quality Insights celebrated its 50th anniversary by awarding $100,000 in grants to nonprofits and community organizations working to improve health and health care. The winning programs focus on health literacy education, clinician health and wellness, women’s health, preventive health education for middle school youth, and health outreach to underserved senior citizens.