Podcasts & Videos
Quality Insights is excited to offer podcasts designed to complement the Pennsylvania Department of Health education initiative, Comprehensive Approaches to Pain Management, Opioid Prescribing, and Substance Use Care.
Check back often to catch the newest podcast release.
Episode 1: Making the Connection between KeyHIE and the PA Prescription Drug Monitoring Program (PDMP)
Episode 2: The Pennsylvania Opioid Crisis: A Live Interview with Dr. John Gallagher
Join Quality Insights for an engaging discussion about the PA opioid crisis and the forthcoming 2022 CDC Clinical Practice Guideline for Prescribing Opioids. Dr. John Gallagher is a Quality Insights Physician Champion for the Pennsylvania Department of Health’s opioid education initiative, Evidence-Based Prescribing: Tools You Can Use to Fight the Opioid Epidemic.
Episode 3: Project Home: A Live Interview with Dr. Janine Burkhardt
Quality Insights interviews Dr. Janine Burkhardt, DMD, MPH, FAGD in this podcast, highlighting her work at Project HOME in Philadelphia. Listen in to learn more about her evidence-based approach to dental pain management and communicating with patients. Dr. Burkhardt is the Quality Insights Dental Champion for the Pennsylvania Department of Health’s opioid education initiative, Evidence-Based Prescribing: Tools You Can Use to Fight the Opioid Epidemic.
Episode 4: The Pennsylvania Opioid Crisis: Naloxone
Our first video focuses on the stigma that often surrounds substance use disorder. Learn some tips and better words/phrases that can be used when you talk to patients dealing with substance abuse that can make them feel no judgement of their disorder, and help move them forward with treatment and recovery
Words Matter: Reducing Stigma Surrounding Substance Use Disorder