Quality Insights State Public Health Initiatives
Bringing People and Information Together to Improve Health
Download the 2024 Prediabetes Practice Module today!
Smartphone apps can make medication adherence easier. Download the flyer.
Videos to help parents understand the importance of HPV vaccination.
Register Now to attend the Empowering Providers to Advocate for HPV Vaccination webinar on 2/26/25! Download the flyer.
Health Care Quality Solutions for Providers & Patients
Better Care, Smarter Spending, Healthier People
Quality Insights has long been a go-to resource for providers and stakeholders seeking to improve quality. We can help identify the source of quality-related issues and offer solutions based on best practices, staff expertise, and years of experience.
The Quality Insights team provides educational resources and tools, baseline and ongoing performance data, collaborative learning opportunities, and one-on-one technical assistance.

State Initiatives
Quality Insights is leading several state-based initiatives in partnership with the Delaware Division of Public Health and the Pennsylvania Department of Health, with funding from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
Our current provider and community-based projects impact key health priorities, including:

National Cardiovascular Health Program (DE & PA)
This program aims to implement and evaluate evidence-based strategies contributing to the prevention and management of cardiovascular disease in populations disproportionately at risk. Quality Insights provides NO-COST assistance to healthcare professionals in DE and PA to support their work around this initiative.

Improving Cancer Screening Rates (PA)
This project is focused on improving the early detection and prevention of cancer in Pennsylvania by increasing cancer screening rates.

HPV Vaccination (DE)
Take advantage of NO-COST education, training, and resources to help health care professionals increase HPV vaccination rates.

Diabetes Prevention & Management (DE & PA)
Quality Insights is providing NO-COST assistance to DE & PA providers to implement evidence-based strategies to prevent or delay the onset of type 2 diabetes among adults with prediabetes, combat childhood obesity, improve diabetes self-care, and more.

Comprehensive Approaches to Pain Management, Opioid Prescribing, and Substance Use Care (PA)
This project aims to address the opioid epidemic through provider education and resource development. Participate in live or virtual interactive CME-accredited education sessions at NO COST. Click here for registration details.

WISEWOMAN (Well-Integrated Screening and Evaluation for WOMen Across the Nation) is a program created to help women understand and reduce their risk for heart disease and stroke by providing services to promote lasting heart-healthy lifestyles.

Community Health Worker Program (DE)
Our team of community health workers (CHWs) is in the field offering support and guidance on multiple targeted healthy lifestyle and health care improvement projects. Learn more.

Pediatric Asthma Control (PA)
Quality Insights is offering NO COST ASSISTANCE to eligible Federally Qualified Health Centers, health care systems and independent private practices to improve individual patient care and overall population health for asthma.

Take a Look
We encourage you to explore this website to learn more about these initiatives and to join us in this work. Quality Insights is committed to providing evidence-based education and support to our participating providers to improve patient outcomes and achieve healthier communities.
Review this 2024 Metrics Flyer to see how these initiatives have made measurable improvements in health care quality and value-based care across Delaware and Pennsylvania.