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How to Increase Staff Vaccination Rates: Insights from Nursing Home Staff

Written by Quality Insights Staff | Jul 26, 2024 8:08:43 PM

How Do You Overcome Vaccine Fatigue and Boost Staff Vaccination Rates?

Ensuring that your residents and staff are protected against infectious diseases is crucial, especially during Immunization Awareness Month this August. Let us share some proven strategies that have worked wonders in other facilities, coupled with our insights and tips for success.


How to Increase Vaccination Rates in Nursing Homes:

  • Engage with Education and Fun: Combine educational efforts with entertaining events.
  • Personal Interaction: Engage staff through face-to-face conversations.
  • Creative Incentives: Offer appealing prizes tailored to staff interests.
  • Consistent Communication: Build anticipation with regular reminders.
  • Education Through Entertainment: Use themed events or videos to inform and amuse.
  • Utilize Immunization Awareness Month: Leverage this observance to highlight vaccine importance.


Engage with Education and Fun

One standout example comes from Morningstar Living in Nazareth, Pennsylvania. Faced with vaccine fatigue, they ingeniously combined education with entertainment. Their “Bee Safe for Summer” event, where staff dressed up in bee-themed outfits and offered exciting prizes, significantly increased vaccination rates. The key? Knowing what excites and interests your staff. Read more about their success raising staff vaccination rates in our blog post Nursing Home Uses Fun to Raise Rate of COVID-19 Vaccinations Among Staff


Personal Interaction is Key

Written communications are important, but nothing beats the impact of face-to-face interactions. When team members, like those at Morningstar Living, took the time to visit each department, answer questions, and personally encourage sign-ups, they saw a notable uptick in vaccinations. Make sure to allocate time for these personal engagements—it's worth it.


Creative Incentives

Consider what your staff values and tailor your incentives accordingly. Morningstar Living offered amusement park tickets and beach-themed prize buckets, which resonated well with their team. Think about what would excite your staff and motivate them to participate.


Consistent Communication

Build anticipation with consistent and engaging communication. Use flyers, posters, and digital reminders to keep the upcoming vaccination clinic top of mind. Morningstar Living’s team put up signs and distributed flyers weeks in advance, creating a buzz that culminated in a successful event. Explore our communication resources available for download in our QIO-QIN Resource Library.


Education Through Entertainment

Don’t underestimate the power of a little fun. A few years ago, Morningstar Living produced a “Ghost Busters”-themed video to promote COVID-19 boosters. The creative approach not only educated but also entertained, making the message more memorable. Think outside the box and consider similar themed events or videos that could resonate with your staff.


Utilize Immunization Awareness Month

August is Immunization Awareness Month, making it the perfect time to ramp up your efforts. Use this national observance to highlight the importance of vaccinations, share educational materials, and host special events. We also have a National Immunization Awareness Month flyer available for download that can help in promoting your vaccination initiatives.



Raising immunization rates in nursing homes requires a blend of education, personal engagement, and a touch of creativity. By understanding what motivates your staff and making the process enjoyable, you can achieve remarkable results. Remember, every vaccinated staff member is a step towards a safer, healthier community. Let’s work together to make this Immunization Awareness Month a resounding success!

For more tips and resources, don't forget to visit our QIN-QIO resource library, and download our National Immunization Awareness Month flyer. Let's keep our nursing homes healthier together!


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