- Press Release -

Quality Insights Honored by Regional Health Information Exchange for Advancements in Healthcare Quality

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The Chesapeake Regional Information Systems for our Patients (CRISP) has awarded Quality Insights the esteemed 2024 Patty Brown Innovation Award. The award recognizes those making meaningful advancements in Maryland's healthcare landscape through innovative strategies, especially in enhancing patient and community health outcomes.

Quality Insights was selected for improving infection control among dialysis patients within skilled nursing facilities (SNFs) using comprehensive data analysis and targeted facility interventions. The organization’s proactive approach, including monthly catheter care audits and infection risk monitoring, has led to significant policy changes and a notable reduction in infection rates, outperforming the national average by 35%.

Quality Insights collaborated on the initiative with the Maryland Department of Health and the state’s Infection Prevention and Control Specialist.

"Receiving the Patty Brown Innovation Award is a testament to the hard work and dedication of our team and partners. It's an honor to be recognized for our efforts to drive healthcare forward in Maryland," said Brandy Vinson, Project Director of Quality Insights Renal Network 5. 

"Our success in reducing catheter infections by 47% among our Network's dialysis patients is a clear indicator of what can be achieved with strategic thinking and collaborative action. We remain committed to our mission of enhancing healthcare quality for patients and communities across Maryland."

Read the entire award and project synopsis on the CRISP website. 


About Quality Insights

Quality Insights is dedicated to improving health and healthcare quality through dynamic partnerships, evidence-based practices, and a patient-first philosophy. With a track record of driving significant improvements in healthcare outcomes, Quality Insights remains at the forefront of quality innovation and healthcare transformation. Learn more at www.qualityinsights.org.

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