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Assisting dialysis facilities to improve both staff and patient awareness of specific patient safety areas, promoting patient safety values, and building a culture of patient safety in every dialysis facility.
Welcome to Our 2025 Program Year!
For the past 17 years, the 5-Diamond Patient Safety Program has been a growing and valuable resource in the dialysis healthcare community. It evolves each year to stay current and focus on patient safety issues impacting both patients and the dedicated staff who care for them.
The 2025 Program Year offers a robust experience for participants, with learning plans containing modules developed around safety-related topics, presented on a user-friendly, interactive platform. Each module offers downloadable instructions, all the necessary tools, and one reporting form to complete for Diamond status certification.
Work at your own pace, as your schedule permits. Earn Diamond status, and help your team earn continuing education credits.
For instructions, tips and tricks to using the new platform check out the 5 Diamond User Guide.
Who Can Participate?
Any dialysis facility, regardless of Network area, may participate in the program. For each module successfully completed during a program year, the facility earns one Diamond.
Upon successfully completing five modules and completing a Program Review questionnaire by all staff, the facility will earn “5-Diamond Patient Safety Facility” recognition.
This education is appropriate for all dialysis staff, including nurses, technicians, dietitians, AND social workers.

No-Cost Continuing Education Credits
ALL MODULES offer dialysis team members who successfully complete module requirements while participating with their facility the opportunity to earn FREE continuing education credit.
Please review the list of modules below.

This Year’s Program Modules
CEs are available for the following six modules:

Culture of Safety (Mandatory 1st Module)
Culture of Safety (Mandatory)
Upon completion of this module, dialysis facility personnel will be able to:
- Describe the basic concepts of patient safety in the healthcare environment
- Identify best practices to prevent safety errors

Upon completion of this module, dialysis facility personnel will be able to:
- recognize transplantation as the preferred modality for dialysis patients with ESRD
- implement clearly defined education and referral protocols that utilize a facility-level transplant liaison in transplantation discussions with patients and staff coordination

Upon completion of this module, dialysis facility personnel will be able to:
- identify recommended vaccinations for dialysis patients
- discuss myths vs. facts related to vaccinations

Health Literacy
Health Literacy
Upon completion, facility personnel will be able to:
- explain the impact limited health literacy has on clinical outcomes for people with kidney disease
- identify 3 indicators of limited health literacy
- describe 4 actionable attributes of a health literate health organization
- identify 3 key factors for creating easy-to-understand patient materials
- identify best practices to prevent safety errors
- engage patients to enhance their culture of safety